Mississippi Natural Heritage Program's Journal

Journal archives for November 2023

November 30, 2023


Hi everybody!

We have decided to change our project type from Traditional to Collective. I originally wanted to keep it as "Traditional" because it gives you more control on who, what, and how the data gets collected, but it was also more complicated for the average user to contribute any observations. The "Collective" project type also wouldn't let you easily import a list of species you only want to focus on like in the "Traditional" project (at least not that I could find), and I didn't want to manually type in over 1400+ species names into the Taxa field in the edit project menu. Well, we decided to bite the bullet and manually input in the 1400+ tracked species names into the "Include Taxa" field.

With this being said, I noticed during the manual input process, that every time I would save my progress, it would notify me that because I'm updating the project, it would notify the users of our changes, and it has sent me multiple emails every time I saved my progress. So I would like to apologize in advance for the spam notifications you're probably getting every time we continue to update the iNat list of species for the project. Hopefully we'll be done with this process by the end of the week.

TLDR: Sorry for the notifications spam as we add / update our tracked species to the Taxa List on iNat.


Quentin Fairchild

Posted on November 30, 2023 05:15 PM by qfairchild qfairchild | 0 comments | Leave a comment
