Mississippi Natural Heritage Program's Journal

Journal archives for September 2023

September 19, 2023

Introduction and Setting Options

Hi everybody!

Due to the amount of emails, messages, phone calls, etc. about sighting reports of various species, I decided the best way to handle the volume is to start using iNaturalist. The advantage of using iNaturalist is that it simplifies how one can submit their observations to us, uses both machine learning and the local community to help identify specimens, organizes much of the data automatically on our end, and it can be used as an educational tool that allows people to identify / learn about their natural surroundings.

We ask that when you join our project group, that you go into your settings on the project page (under "Your Membership" that is to the right of the interactive map on Desktop)(see comments below), and select
"trust this project with hidden/exact coordinates". Many species that are listed as threaten or endangered will automatically get obscured. While this gives a fairly general and vague locality, we often need an exact location to get a better idea for the type of habitat they are observed in.

Thank you all for joining and helping the Mississippi Natural Heritage Program with its mission!

*Edited - Added details

Posted on September 19, 2023 05:44 PM by qfairchild qfairchild | 2 comments | Leave a comment
