Global Pollinator Watch AIG 2024's Journal

Journal archives for April 2023

April 21, 2023

Happy Earth Day 2023!

Dear AIG Observers,

Happy Earth Day! On this annual celebration of the planet that we all call home, we come together to take action for environmental protection and conservation.

One powerful action you can take this Earth Day is conserving insect pollinators – the little organisms that are responsible for providing critical ecosystem services that many of us take for granted every day.

According to Pollinator Partnership, more than 1,200 crops are dependent on pollinators, with 1 in every 3 bites of food that we ingest relying on the services that pollinators provide. In addition to these direct human-derived benefits, pollinators play a key role in sustaining life on Earth for the other, non-human life that we coexist with. Despite this, human-behavior is a key driver of pollinator decline, through habitat loss and degradation, destructive landscaping practices (including the use of pesticides and herbicides), and as a consequence of climate change.

As we celebrate our home planet this Earth Day – we encourage you to consider the following actions to help support healthy pollinator populations!

  1. Contribute data to this Global Pollinator Watch project on iNaturalist and help Earthwatch scientists to better understand pollinator presence and diversity in your community.
  2. Foster a healthy ecosystem by planting native species and avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides.
  3. Build a bee house for your local wild bee populations.
  4. Educate your friends, family, and community members about pollinator decline and the important role that insect pollinators play in contributing to a healthy planet.

Check-out the following resources to learn more about how you can take action for pollinators this Earth Day (and every day)!


Thank you!
The Global Pollinator Watch Team

Posted on April 21, 2023 06:03 PM by apins apins | 0 comments | Leave a comment