Global Pollinator Watch AIG 2024's Journal

Journal archives for July 2022

July 22, 2022

Celebrate National Moth Week, 2022!

Thank you all for your continued participation in Global Pollinator Watch with AIG! We hope that you will join us this week in observing National Moth Week from July 23-31, 2022.

This week is an opportunity to discover the diversity of moths and their important contributions to ecosystems and ecosystem services – including as insect pollinators. In fact, moths are one of the largest groups of insect pollinators, outnumbering butterfly species 14:1!

We hope you take some time this week to read more about Lepidoptera (the order of insects including moths and butterflies), and of course, make observations of moths (and other insect pollinators)!

If you want to learn more about moths and mothing, here is a great list of resources curated by the National Moth Week team:

Read more about National Moth Week here:

Posted on July 22, 2022 01:35 PM by apins apins | 0 comments | Leave a comment