Pegesimallus albidipennis (Loew, 1858)

Whitish, the last segment of the abdomen and anal appendages shiny, partly red, the wings whitish-hyaline. Legs brownish-tawny, the setae of the legs and tarsi white, long; the apex of the hind legs and the hind tarsi are densely feathered in males with long brownish-black scales. Wings glabrous, microscopically hairy only at the apex.

The males of some species Pegesimallus ssp (formerly known Lagodias species) possess very long, laterally compressed, feather-like bristles along the anterior and posterior margins of the hind tarsi. These plumose bristles may also occur on the hind tibiae and femora as well as on the mesothoracic legs. The females of these feather-legged males always lack these specialised setae and look like any other more usual Pegesimallus sen. lat. species.
The fact that the males of some species possess well-developed plumose leg setae suggests that the legs might be used in some type of courtship display; but as yet nobody has reported on this matter.

Detailed modern description by Londt

Original description by Loew:

Distribution: Zimbabwe, South Africa

iNat observation:

Posted on January 11, 2024 11:35 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


Posted by botswanabugs 6 months ago

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