January 7th - Bibionidae cont'd

Heyo, fly folk!

We're continuing with Bibionidae this week, with an unfortunate caveat: Michael may or may not be able to join us, so I (Zach) will be 'leading' the meeting. As I don't know the Bibionidae that well, we will have to struggle together, but don't fret, because we have Even's great guide and Michael's voice in our heads from last week. Hope to see you there!

Date & Time: 8 PM EST on Sunday, January 7th.

Join here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 846 7028 0918

Passcode: 255336

Identify Link we will use: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&taxon_id=56097&lrank=family&place_id=1,6712

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Posted on January 4, 2024 02:06 PM by zdanko zdanko


I hope to attend this Sunday. I sat in on the last one and worked on Midwestern spp. I really don't have the capacity to learn those outside the Midwest so I don't know that the entire session will be of benefit to me. I may jump off to continue working on more Midwestern Flies. What I would like, that we didn't get at the last meeting, is characteristics of the Bibionidae family as a whole, rather than just the genus/species descriptions.

Thanks - Angella Moorehouse

Posted by amoorehouse 9 months ago

Great! We can definitely talk about identifying the family this time, that's something I know about ;)

Posted by zdanko 9 months ago

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