Progress with Taxonomic Groups

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Posted on December 6, 2023 08:18 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


2,886 observations of 168 species
RG = 86%. Please help with 352 outstanding Proteaceae Identifications here!

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

157 Observations of 15 species
RG = 84% Please help with 27 outstanding Stilbaceae Identifications here!

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

160 observations of 8 species
RG = 83% Please help with 27 outstanding Penaeaceae Identifications here!

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

Major groupings needing attention:

Vertebrates -

Birds - still 702 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Herps- still 355 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Mammals - still 341 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Fish- still 164 observations needing ID: Help ID these here

Invertebrates -

Insects - still 9,880 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Arachnids - still 1,651 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Molluscs- still 702 observations needing ID: Help ID these here

Other -

Fungi - still 1,500 observations needing ID: Help ID these here
Protozoans - still 8 observations needing ID: Help ID these here

Unknowns: (most of these are problem observations - usually more than 1 species on the observation). However a few need support for IDs please.
Help ID these here

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

(descending order by needing attention)

Asteraceae: 8538 observations - 32% RG - Help ID them here
Fabaceae: 5375 observations - 36% RG - Help ID them here
Poaceae: 2026 observations - 29% RG - Help ID them here
Iridaceae: 2169 observations - 40% RG - Help ID them here
Asparagaceae: 1841 observations - 30% RG - Help ID them here
Campanulaceae: 1304 observations - 35% RG - Help ID them here
Malvaceae: 1168 observations - 30% RG - Help ID them here
Restionaceae: 816 observations - 7% RG - Help ID them here
Asphodelaceae: 1025 observations - 29% RG - Help ID them here
Cyperaceae: 901 observations - 19% RG - Help ID them here
Aizoaceae: 1222 observations - 43% RG - Help ID them here
Lamiaceae: 955 observations - 31% RG - Help ID them here
Rubiaceae: 1011 observations - 36% RG - Help ID them here
Ferns: 896 observations - 34% RG - Help ID them here
Anacardiaceae: 1009 observations - 43% RG - Help ID them here
Crassulaceae: 1002 observations - 44% RG - Help ID them here
Thymelaeaceae: 910 observations - 39% RG - Help ID them here
Scrophulariaceae: 878 observations - 41% RG - Help ID them here
Apocynaceae: 1169 observations - 58% RG - Help ID them here

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago


Euphorbiaceae: 757 observations - 35% RG - Help ID them here
Ericaceae: 1338 observations - 66% RG - Help ID them here
Polygalaceae: 605 observations - 32% RG - Help ID them here
Amaryllidaceae: 604 observations - 36% RG - Help ID them here
Rosaceae: 489 observations - 25% RG - Help ID them here
Rutaceae: 502 observations - 35% RG - Help ID them here
Commelinaceae: 423 observations - 28% RG - Help ID them here
Geraniaceae: 1067 observations - 75% RG - Help ID them here
Ebenaceae: 410 observations - 40% RG - Help ID them here
Solanaceae: 551 observations - 56% RG - Help ID them here
Apiaceae: 492 observations - 58% RG - Help ID them here
Proteaceae: 2907 observations - 93% RG - Help ID them here
Orchidaceae: 724 observations - 73% RG - Help ID them here

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

Update: Observations still needing ID by family: 13:00 Friday 8 December:

Asteraceae 5,401 down by 7%
Fabaceae 3,121 down by 9%
Poaceae 1,326 down by 8%
Iridaceae 1,244 down by 4%
Asparagaceae 1,121 down by 13%

Campanulaceae 831 down by 2%
Restionaceae 757 UP by 1%
Malvaceae 667 down by 18%

Cyperaceae 695 down by 4%
Aizoaceae 653 down by 6%
Rubiaceae 566 down by 13%
Thymelaeaceae 528 down by 4%
Ferns 516 down by 12%
Scrophulariaceae 502 down by 3%

Anacardiaceae 493 down by 14%
Asphodelaceae 471 down by 35%
Lamiaceae 425 down by 35%
Ericaceae 405 down by 11%
Polygalaceae 400 down by 3%

Crassulaceae 369 down by 34%
Apocynaceae 365 down by 25%
Euphorbiaceae 352 down by 28%

Rutaceae 296 down by 9%
Rosaceae 282 down by 23%
Amaryllidaceae 268 down by 31%
Ebenaceae 235 down by 4%
Commelinaceae 228 down by 25%

Geraniaceae 188 down by 29%
Solanaceae 148 down by 39%
Orchidaceae 140 down by 28%
Apiaceae 192 down by 7%
Proteaceae 112 down by 44%

Please help: links are up above

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

Update: Major groupings needing attention: 13:00 on Fri 8 December

Birds - still 690
Herps- still 359
Mammals - still 344
Fish- still 166

Insects - still 10,004
Arachnids - still 1,672
Molluscs- still 705

Fungi - still 1,520
Protozoans - still 8

Unknowns: 71

Posted by tonyrebelo 10 months ago

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