Etta McCabe Week 4 Natural Area Observations

This week for my natural area observations, I decided to walk a trail at Laguna Lake in San Luis Obispo. This path/trail was near the first parking section after you drive in that goes towards the lake. I parked there and walked to the only paved path opening at this section. I walked along a paved path with mostly grass and trees and shrubs surrounding the area. The path I walked along was flat and all of the observations I made weren’t too deep into brush away from the path. There wasn’t a lot of water expect towards the end of the trail when you get near the lake. On top of the all of the different trees I saw, I saw a lot of wildlife.

Tree #1:
Tree #2:
Tree #3:
Tree #4:
Tree #5:

Posted on May 6, 2020 01:36 AM by ettamccabe ettamccabe


Your fifth observation is blank.

Posted by reedkenny1 over 4 years ago

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