Sam Morganstein Street Tree Project

  1. If I had to pick leaves to use as toilet paper I would use the plum tree leaves as they would serve as the perfect combination between being soft and sizeable.
  2. I think street trees absolutely make my neighborhood more pleasant as we have quite a wide variety of interesting and cool trees on our street.
  3. One pro of planting non-native trees in the city is to add some variety and diversity to the landscapes. Non-native plants can also have beneficial adaptations, for example in our yard my mom often plants flowers and that deers do not like to come and eat. One con, however, is that non-native species can take away from the beauty of native plants and some can be invasive.

Observation 1:
Observation 2:
Observation 3:
Observation 4:
Observation 5:

Posted on April 22, 2020 11:11 PM by sam_morganstein sam_morganstein


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