Kristen Holtzclaw street tree project

  1. If I had to use one tree's leaves as toilet paper I would choose the eucalyptus tree because it has to softest smoothest looking leaves out of all the trees I observed. Also eucalyptus smells pretty damn good, so thats a plus.
  2. They definitely make our neighborhoods more pleasant. They can be used to create privacy, they give us shade, kids can climb them, not to mention FRESH AIR. they provide a home for animals that I like to see when I go outside. I would never want to live in a world where my street had no trees. Trees are amazing and we don't deserve them.
  3. a pro is that you can find a lot more variety in terms of color, smell, or shape. if your looking for a certain aesthetic that isn't in the California tree palette then you have a plethora of other options if you choose a non native tree. the con is that it may be a invasive species and will probably need more maintenance to keep it health.

Posted on April 21, 2020 09:00 PM by kristenhholtzclaw kristenhholtzclaw


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