Magicicada Search

May 17, 2024 01:26 PM - May 17, 2024 02:30 PM
| Latitude: 38.909 | Longitude: -90.262 | Radius (m): 1764 | Distance traveled: 2000m | Duration: 64 minutes | Number of observers: 1 |

Looking for any Magicicada. Listening for sounds, and looking for exuviae.

Posted on June 27, 2024 01:53 PM by jackinthepulpit34 jackinthepulpit34

Target List

  • Periodical Cicadas (Genus Magicicada)
  • Observations

    Photos / Sounds


    Dark Fishing Spider (Dolomedes tenebrosus)


    May 2024


    To confirm the absence of Magicicada here. There's a possibility that some flew in from across the river after this.

    Posted by jackinthepulpit34 7 days ago

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