Taxonomic Swap 80725 (Committed on 2020-08-08)

Gender congruence: Chelaner antarcticus is correct.

The existing "Chelaner antarcticum" is clearly a remnant of when Chelaner was considered a subgenus of Monomorium and the correct gender congruence at that time was Monomorium (Chelaner) antarcticum.

AntWiki (Citation)
Added by beetledude on August 9, 2020 06:45 AM | Committed by beetledude on August 8, 2020
replaced with


iNat is not the place to be making unpublished emendations to published scientific names! AntWiki is unpublished according to the ICZN.

Posted by stephen_thorpe about 4 years ago


The correction of gender agreement is a mandatory change and the Code does not require such a change to be an emendation published in the restricted sense of the Code.

The checklist of Chelaner in is grammatically rotten to the core. The older checklist to the species of Chelaner in is to be preferred. In the latter checklist the gender congruence of Chelaner antarcticus is correct. It is hence not newly "published" by my correction above.

Posted by beetledude about 4 years ago

Well, it isn't a big deal, but there are potential complications

Posted by stephen_thorpe about 4 years ago

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