Taxonomic Swap 14119 (Committed on 2016-12-26)

Same taxon, different spelling. cespitosa is the accepted spelling in The Plant List ( and CalFlora (, both official iNat plant taxonomic authorities.

The Plant List (Citation)
Added by nlblock on March 5, 2016 02:49 PM | Committed by nlblock on December 26, 2016
replaced with


I was just about to make this change but see you've set it up, Nick. Any reason not to commit it? ITIS agrees, by the way.

I'll proceed with adding subspecific names under O. cespitosa and merging the O. caespitosa subspecific names with them. (I initially considered simply dropping them, but will keep for historical purposes - and so they can't be added back.)

Posted by stevejones over 7 years ago

Just finished with the subspecific changes so that when this change is committed there will be no orphan taxa.

Posted by stevejones over 7 years ago

I'm just trigger-shy with making plant changes because I don't have a botany background. I had forgotten about this one!

Posted by nlblock over 7 years ago

Understood - I'd be trigger-shy with anything but plants. Looks like all is well now - thanks!

Posted by stevejones over 7 years ago

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