Sabo Farm & Forest's Journal

Journal archives for January 2021

January 20, 2021

New Year, New Project

Sam (and Bailey) and I walked around the property today discussing native species, invasive species, riparian areas, and nut trees. I thought we could start collecting species lists and habitat types to create a sort of "Trees in My Forest" a la Bernd Heinrich. Then we reined it in to start as an iNaturalist project. We can log our observations of species - mostly trees and other woody plants but also birds and mammals and invertebrates and herbaceous plants and fungi and... and... and... this could become a handy tool or an expansive ecological account.

What all can we discover?

Posted on January 20, 2021 12:21 AM by tombombadelicious tombombadelicious | 0 comments | Leave a comment

January 30, 2021

Location Accuracy when posting observations with photos - technical and annoying but without it some of our work is lost!

We want our observations posted to iNat to be geographically accurate so that:

1) we can find them again if needed,
2) we can make an accurate map of the property’s species and habitats,
3) so that all the species we collect are counted for our Sabo “totals” lists, AND
4) so that we can have friendly competition between each other (who has the most species? Observations? Fungi? Etc!).

However there are some problems with geolocation when posting to iNaturalist. I found that some of my posts were not showing up as existing within the Sabo property lines despite them definitely existing within the Sabo property lines. I researched and learned this is about the “accuracy” or confidence diameter of my posts. Each post is given a dot on the map AND a circle representing a little wiggle room in where the observation really was (given that phone-to-satellite mapping and GPS - and even humans - sometimes make errors). If that circle is some percentage (over 50%) outside the Sabo prperty lines, iNat won’t include it in our Sabo lists!

One solution might be to just post through the iNat app directly. When posting from the app the "location accuracy" is (somewhat) high. When posting from photos later I have to add a location since my phone isn't collecting geolocation. When doing so if I stay zoomed out the "location accuracy" is low so it doesn't recognize my observations as part of the project area.

However: 1) sometimes using the app drains battery quickly, especially if you are adding many species over the course of a long walk or in the cold (energy-draining) weather. And 2) I noticed even some of my posts through the app showed observations from the sabo property on the neighbors’ property instead.

So the best solution (especially with observations near the property boundary or from existing photos on your camera roll) seems to be to edit the geographical accuracy of our posts.

To edit location accuracy you go to the iNaturalist website on a browser (not through the app). You find your observations and the specific one you want to edit. Click edit near the upper right. Then find a TINY button that says edit near the top center and near the map. It is amongst notes on location in tiny font. Change location accuracy to a smaller number (10 meters?) to ensure iNat knows you are confident the organism was on your property.

It is very satisfying to see all our Sabo observations actually show up on the map * within the property boundaries of Sabo!

  • = That, too, is something you can only see from a browser, not the app! Argh!
Posted on January 30, 2021 01:38 PM by tombombadelicious tombombadelicious | 0 comments | Leave a comment
