Red Book of Armenia - Animals | Հայաստանի Կարմիր գիրք's Journal

Journal archives for January 2024

January 2, 2024

Summary of 2023

2023 is over, let me summarize some results:

We have 57 observers of Armenian Red Books species this year and these are top 10:

# name number of species
1 @kattenkwaad 39
2 @terrajanis 36
3 @loggi 32
4 @lucaboscain 29
5 @axelgosseries 17
6 @szymon_czyzewski 14
7 @cyathus 11
8 @iburyl 11
9 @biflab 9
10 @drilvonen 9

@kattenkwaad is the best observer of The Red Book birds: 37 red book species.

@kseniiamarianna is the best observer of The Red Book reptilia: 6 red book species.

@theo_fiedler is the best observer of The Red Book insecta: 6 red book species.

@karineavetisyan is the best observer of The Red Book mamalia: 2 red book species.

@vardanasatryan is the best (and the only) observer of The Red Book fish: Kura Barbel.

9 Armenian Red Book species were first observed on iNats:

lat name en name observer first observation
Anser anser Greylag Goose @kattenkwaad link
Passer hispaniolensis Spanish Sparrow @kattenkwaad link
Ablepharus chernovi Chernov's Skink @neymark link
Locustella luscinioides Savi's Warbler @loggi link
Barbus cyri Kura Barbel @vardanasatryan link
Pyrrhocorax graculus Yellow-billed Chough @beskhmelnitsyna link (id is yet to be confirmed)
Phengaris nausithous Dusky Large Blue @theo_fiedler link
Cygnus olor Mute Swan @terrajanis link
Crematogaster subdentata @cyathus link

Thank you all for such a productive year!

Posted on January 2, 2024 05:34 AM by iburyl iburyl | 1 comment | Leave a comment
