PsiloSoma Project's Journal

Journal archives for November 2023

November 8, 2023

Update psilosoma project Balkan mission

ENG: A hug from the indolic mountains and forests on the border with Montengro. Finally the long-awaited rains are bringing the first samples to be studied during this mission to the Balkans. At the moment we are mainly observing psilocybe serbica and psilocybe semilanceata found in North Macedonia and Kosovo. We are collecting pictures and when possible film images to prepare a future video related to the species of these mountains; I am also trying to collect various sporal prints, to be able to offer as gifts to other scholars as well as to the supporters and dynamisers of "psiloSoma project" who during this trip are offering their knowledge, skills and economic resources; in some cases they are facilitating this research by contributing with company, food, accommodation, internet and mobility. In the near future we would also like to explore Montengro, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia. If you are in the area, I would like to remind you that you can participate in the search by contacting or directly with Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

IT: Un abbraccio dai montie e boschi indolici al confine con Montengro. Finalmente le tanto attese piogge stanno apportando i primi campioni da studiare durante questa missione nei Balcani. Al momento stiamo osservando soprattutto psilocybe serbica e psilocybe semilanceata rinvute in Nord Macedonia e kosovo. Stiamo raccogliendo immagini e quando possibile immagini per preparare un futuro video relativo alle specie di questi monti; inoltre sto cercando di raccogliere varie impronte sporali, da poter offrire in dono ad altri studiosi come pure ai sostenitori e dinamizzatori di "psiloSoma project" che durante questo viaggio stanno offrendo le proprie conoscenze, capacitá e risorse economiche; in alcuni casi stanno facilitando questa ricerca contribuendo con compagnia, vitto, alloggio, internet e mobilitá. prossimamente vorremmo esplorare anche Montengro, Bosnia, Croazia e Slovenia, se siete in zona¿ vi ricordo che potete parteciare alla ricerca ponendovi in contatto con o direttamente con il Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

ES: Un abrazo desde los montes y bosques indolicos en la frontera con Montengro. Por fin las esperadas lluvias están trayendo las primeras muestras para estudiar durante esta misión en los Balcanes. Actualmente estamos observando principalmente Psilocybe serbica y Psilocybe semilanceata, que se encuentran en Macedonia del Norte y Kosovo. Estamos recopilando imágenes y, cuando sea posible, videoclips para preparar un futuro vídeo relacionado con las especies de estas montañas; También estoy tratando de recolectar varias huellas de esporas, que puedo ofrecer como obsequio a otros académicos, así como a los partidarios y dinamizadores del "proyecto psiloSoma" que ofrecen sus conocimientos, habilidades y recursos económicos durante este viaje; en algunos casos están facilitando esta búsqueda aportando conocimientos, comida, alojamiento, internet y movilidad. próximamente también nos gustaría explorar Montengro, Bosnia, Croacia y Eslovenia, si estás por la zona te recuerdo que puedes participar en la investigación contactando con nosotros. con o direttamente con il Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

Posted on November 8, 2023 10:07 AM by naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comments | Leave a comment

November 11, 2023

Support the PsiloSoma research and divulgation project

The "PsiloSoma research and divulgation project" fundraising campaign is starting. This fundraising campaign will contribute to achieve and boost further interesting results and publications, as well, to build up a more equipped moving lab and a working team with others micophyles and professionals, so that, while realizing observations, collecting and examining samples, we can perform other exploring missions, chemical analysis and divulge some interesting data, such as videos, pictures, documents, maps, trails, bivouacs, and events. Thanks for your support and parteciation with Mush Love Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta​ (@natural_mao) #shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao #psilocybe #PsiloSoma project #chorology #ethnomycology

Posted on November 11, 2023 03:50 PM by naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comments | Leave a comment
