Time for Phase 2 of GSB

Well done everyone on 4-days of surveying.
We are now in the Uploading and Identification phase of the Challenge, after a few days of well-earned rest.

GSB 2023 officially ends on 11 December though time is moving pretty-fast as we look forward to year-end partying. We encourage everybody to upload ASAP so that we have sufficient time to identify as many observations as possible.

If you are desperate to get going then perhaps start here:

We need to clear the Unknowns for starters
Please only identify those that you know to family or finer level. Dont waste your time with "Plants" - you need to get it to grasses, or proteas, or peas, or daisies. Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Insects, Spiders and such are perfectly fine. As is fungus or lichen. Go as detailed as you can, but at this stage just push them as fast as you can to a low level: dont worry with the field guides at this stage. We will come to those in a day or two.

Please everyone help. If you want to focus first on your city, then add your city to the filter box.

Dont forget to FAVE any exciting observation that you come across

Posted on November 30, 2023 08:45 AM by suvarna suvarna


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