City Nature Challenge 2022: Wichita Falls, Texas -Rolling Plains Chapter TMN Region's Journal

Journal archives for February 2022

February 16, 2022

City Nature Challenge 2022

Greetings! As I went outside today, I noticed those early green plants showing up in my yard which got me excited for spring!

This will be our second year to participate in the City Nature Challenge!

We need all the help we can get!

During the time period of April 29 to May 2, we will be BioBlitzing in our 10 county region. We hope you will join in our project and help us collect as many observations as we can for this year's challenge.

We will post some public events, but those of you who like going solo will be just as welcome to help out!

Stay tuned for more information to come!


Posted on February 16, 2022 12:30 AM by rlseman rlseman | 8 comments | Leave a comment
