Biodiversity of Botswana's Journal

Journal archives for July 2022

July 31, 2022

A very interesting website called LifeGate

iNaturalists of Botswana and southern Africa

Please take a look at this website and consider its usefulness and value.
I find it to be very interesting,,zoom=auto

Could there be mutual collaboration between iNaturalists/iNaturalist and the creators of this great site ?
Or is collaboration happening already ?
Could/should there be links between the two sites ?

I have asked these questions on the iNat Forum page.

I hope LifeGate shall be able to use the photos I have uploaded from Botswana on iNaturalist to illustrate their site,

Tony Benn ( aka Botswanabugs from Serowe, Botswana)

@tonyrebelo @rianafourie @robert_taylor @grant_reed_botswana @derekdlh @murphy_tladi
@beetledude @moira_fitzpatrick @karoopixie @magdastlucia @dewald2

Posted on July 31, 2022 03:21 AM by botswanabugs botswanabugs | 6 comments | Leave a comment