Euretus aurivillii Péringuey 1896

A smallish brachycerine weevil with rounded abdomen. First identified on iNat by @beetledude

Original description (genus and species) in:

Euretus, n. gen.
Head short, eyes flat, surmounted by a very high compressed carinate crest; rostrum moderately long, slightly bi-constricted laterally, near the base and below the scrobe; antennse short, and with seven articulations, the scape also short, the 2nd joint equally thick but still shorter, the 3rd joint a little narrower than the following three, the last joint as long as the three preceding, and with the outer part of the tip diagonally truncate; prothorax very slender, and narrower behind than in front; elytra very gibbose, sub-pedunculate, retuse behind; legs very massive, tarsi short, very broad, with the 2nd joint a little broader than the others, and the 4th not much longer than the 3rd, equally broad, all closely articulated.

E. aurivlllii, n. sp.
Black, with the median part of the head, the prothorax, a narrow sutural line, as well as the sides of the elytra, and the legs ochraceous-brown; rostrum with a few short bristles, separated from the head by a slight lateral impression; head very short, eyes surmounted by a semicircular compressed, very highly raised ridge, having a few very short bristles on the margin; prothorax narrow, almost straight laterally, a little narrower behind, deeply pitted and with two conspicuous sharp spines on each side of the central part of the disk, and also a row of smaller ones on the lateral part; elytra very gibbose, sub-pedunculate, retuse behind and having on each side two rows of regularly set conical tubercles reaching from base to apex, sides regularly and broadly foveate.
Length (rostrum excluded) 8, width 3.5 mm.
Hab. Cape Colony (Albany).

Photo in:
Thompson, R. T. 1992. Observations on the morphology and classification of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) with a key to major groups, Journal of Natural History, 26:4,


Another photo:
Morphology and Systematics. 2014

iNat observation:

Posted on July 31, 2024 04:30 AM by traianbertau traianbertau


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