A School of Rays in Mexico! - Observation of the Week, 2/28/24

Our Observation of the Week is this school of Golden Cownose Rays (Rhinoptera steindachneri, Raya tecolote in Spanish), seen in Mexico by @flore_boituzat!

Flore Boituzat grew up in the French countryside and says she’s always been interested in nature. She’s a food engineer, and tells me “I had the opportunity to do one semester in Mexico to do marine biology, that's where I started to dive and go snorkeling.”

She also met her boyfriend Alberto Alcalá (@alboertoalcala) while there, who’s a diver and an oceanologist, who introduced her to iNaturalist. 

After her semester in Mexico, Flore had to finish her last year of schooling in France but she recently returned to Mexico. “As a welcome gift, Alberto took me out for a dive where we saw all these beautiful rays. I felt really blessed. :)”

Golden cownose rays occur in the eastern Pacific Ocean, from Peru up through Mexico, and are often found in groups like this. Like other rays, it doesn’t have teeth but bony plates in its mouth for crushing its prey - mostly bottom dwelling species. It’s listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN, as it’s often caught as bycatch by artisanal gillnet and trawling fisheries. 

Flore (above) continues to use iNat, and continues to share her nature photos on iNaturalist. 

I like nature photography and he knows about the biology part, so thanks to iNaturalist I learn about the species I'm seeing, and I can also see where a species is found a well as, it’s habits and characteristics, so it's easier for me to find and to capture photos of it. I think biodiversity is part of the beauty and the magic of this planet, and to take pictures of biodiversity helps me share it; I find it very nice and fun to see what's surrounding us.

(Some quotes have been lightly edited for clarity. Photo of Flore was taken by Alberto Alcalá.)

- here’s footage of a golden cownose ray school!

Posted on February 28, 2024 09:19 PM by tiwane tiwane


Nice observation!

Posted by huttonia 8 months ago

Ah yes, nature is indeed the magic of this planet!

Posted by susanhewitt 8 months ago

We are not alone, indeed. Look around :-)
Thanks Flore!

Posted by curcu34 8 months ago

Beautiful! You were blessed.

Posted by maryah 8 months ago

I have also seen schools of Golden Cownose Rays because I spent much time on or near the ocean and inlets of Florida, but this is a gorgeous photo of that event! Very nice job!

Posted by seaheart88 8 months ago

nice job!!! :D

Posted by diegoalmendras 8 months ago

Cool pic!

Posted by derrell_d 8 months ago

Increíble observación y fotografia👌❤️

Posted by alboertoalcala 8 months ago

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