Cleptria oculata Stål 1865

Original description in:
Stål, C. 1865. Hemiptera Africana, vol 3.
Translated from Latin:
Male: Light coral-red. Antennae, eyes, hemelytra (exceeding the tip of the abdomen), the thorax underneath and tip of the abdomen are blackish; the costal edge of the corium and the posterior edge of the prostethium [= a part of the thorax underneath] are coral-red. Legs pale straw-coloured, apex of hind femora, tip of the hind tarsi, and also the tip of the tibiae are brown (fuscus). Eyes very prominent, large. Abdomen underneath convex, longitudinally furrowed in the middle.
Length 13 mm.

Type locality: Namibia

Photo of museum specimen (BMNH) on GBIF:

Photo of type:

iNat observation:

Posted on January 29, 2024 03:48 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


The photo referred to is not of the type, but of a specimen in the BMNH. A photo of the type can be found here: .

Posted by dhjacobs 5 months ago

Thank you, fixed!

Posted by traianbertau 5 months ago

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