
Got any questions?

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Posted on January 3, 2024 11:48 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Q: Why are so many of the species in the region not on iNaturalist?

Posted by tonyrebelo 9 months ago

A: They are, but for some reason they have been made inactive.
you can see the inactive ones on our checklist:

Unfortunately, when made inactive one cannot reload them from the external name providers.
Some 19 of our 29 Freshwater species are currently inactive.

We have flagged some for re-activation. (Aliolimnatis buntonensis, A. obscura, A. oligodonta, Helobdella conifera, Hemiclepsis quadrata, Hirudo hildebrandti, Praobdella radiata) - some others have already been activated.

Posted by tonyrebelo 9 months ago

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