2023 Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observations of the Week

31 December, 2023: Gehyra mutilata

24 December, 2023: Petracola labioocularis

17 December, 2023: Tropidurus lagunablanca spinulosus

10 December, 2023: Uranoscodon superciliosus

3 December, 2023: Iguana iguana

26 November, 2023: Tropidurus azurduyae

19 November, 2023: Chatogekko amazonicus

12 November, 2023: Ameiva ameiva

5 November, 2023: Anolis fitchi

29 October, 2023: Chatogekko amazonicus

22 October, 2023: Gonatodes hasemani

15 October, 2023: Crocodilurus amazonicus

8 October, 2023: Uracentron azureum

30 September, 2023: Plica umbra

20 September, 2023: Copeoglossum nigropunctatum

13 September, 2023: Enyalioides laticeps


No earlier observations of the week exist.


2025 Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observation of the Week

2024 Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observation of the Week

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Posted on December 31, 2023 07:56 PM by petezani petezani


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