FAQ on Parancyra, Ancyra and similar sp.

People hove seen these genra may ask 2 questions : "why do they need to look like walking backwards?" and "what are those antennae in the back"? Here are the answers:

#1 - Why do they need to look like walking backwards

Well, it's actually to scare predators as they may look "seriously alien", and may put predators at bay. It actually makes the predators think that it is their predator (Note the large size, Ancyra seems to be bigger). the eye pattern/spot on each wing mimic eyes, and the wings work as antennae, and all of that effect is created by the wings, so when it was forwards, it looks like moving backwards;

#2 - What are those antennae placed on the back

At the apex of the wings, the wings are elongated into a stick like projection that ends with a club, that mic antennae. On top of that, planthopper antennae are small, so they can't easily seen. the antennae of most true hoppers (auchennorhyncha) are of 3 segments: a cone, on top it is a sphere, and finally a short small thread or needle shaped projection (not sharp at all, it's completely safe to touch them), and the total length of a planthopper antenna is generally smaller than 1cm!

Posted on April 23, 2023 08:42 AM by aaravmishra aaravmishra


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