Resources for Lichenicolous Fungi

Maybe it is the lingering effects of this Beavis and Butthead clip, but the idea fungi growing on lichens seems inherently alluring. There are some really capable specialists in lichens and lichenicolous fungi on iNaturalist. I am not one of them. In my attempts to improve, some resources have been very helpful.

Perhaps more experienced and literate lichenicolous people @eullstrom @ahuereca @toby_spribille can chime in with more print and online resources for lichenicolous fungi in the PNW.

Posted on January 3, 2023 06:56 PM by rambryum rambryum


Photos / Sounds




December 31, 2022 12:13 PM PST


Suspicious apothecia-like structures on Hypogymnia enteromorpha


Haha, love the clip! thanks Randal

Posted by juliakcarr over 1 year ago

Thank you for the flurry of journal articles over the holidays Randal! Super great information. Excited to go through them more closely and see what links/books I'm missing.

Posted by stevenhayward over 1 year ago

I setup a new traditional project to collect observations of Lichenicolous Fungi, especially unidentified ones:

The older project "Lichenicolous Fungi of the World" is fantastic for viewing observations that have been identified to species, but as a collection project it isn't possible to add unidentified observations.

Posted by lumenal over 1 year ago

@lumenal the project is already in the above list of resources. I am a frequent visitor.

Posted by rambryum over 1 year ago

Sorry, my comment wasn't clear. I setup a new separate project that allows unidentified lichenicolous fungi to be added, even if they are only currently identified as "Fungi". This project is just called "Lichenicolous Fungi".

This traditional project structure seems to work well for other taxonomically diverse groups, like galls and leafminers. The downside is that observations must be added manually.

The collection structure of the original project "Lichenicolous Fungi of the World" makes it great for seeing a comprehensive list of observations already identified to the species-level, but impossible to add unidentified observations that have IDs at family-level or higher.

Posted by lumenal over 1 year ago

thanks @lumenal -- i have added a (new) link to the (new) project in the above post.

Posted by rambryum over 1 year ago

Here is a link to the PDF version of "Flora of Lichenicolous Fungi, Volume 1- Basidiomycetes" by Diederich et al. It was just published in late 2022. The physical book is available from a few booksellers in Europe.

Posted by lumenal over 1 year ago
Posted by mangoblatt 8 months ago

Nice :) , thx @mangoblatt

Posted by johannes_merz 8 months ago

i found a second resource for lichenicolous fungi on X. parietina:

Posted by mangoblatt 8 months ago

Thanks @mangoblatt -- I have added the link to that thesis above.

Posted by rambryum 8 months ago

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