The Value and Power of Place-based Science Tue 16 August 2022 2:30–4:00 pm (online)

Citizen science can move mountains if enough people get involved. This online symposium will explore great global and local examples of powerful place-based citizen science and consider why this is the sweet spot for great science with communities.

When people are interested in studying their own locality, they are likely to do this more carefully and over long periods, because their place matters to them. If science can contribute robust methodologies and data can be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), results are likely to be meaningful to all. We can foster interest, understanding and stewardship of “Our Place” with good science.

This symposium invites people working with local Councils (especially BVSC), LLS, Landcare, NPWS, scientists, farmers, landholders and community members wanting to take their interest in nature and our environment to the next level. Discussion will include: What sort of projects are most successful? What is the value for NRMs (Natural Resource Managers)? Can we join up the dots by having common methodologies (e.g. Phenology) that can be replicated across the country?

Register here:

Presented by Atlas of Life and Sapphire Coast Science Hub with ACSA (Australian Citizen Science Association)

Posted on August 2, 2022 01:01 PM by barv barv


Sounds great!

Posted by patrick_campbell about 2 years ago

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