Nikon Coolpix S9900 Followup

Despite having a much higher-quality lens with zoom support than the fixed lens of a mobile phone camera, I found the Nikon Coolpix S9900 disappointing. One of the main reasons for having it was to take macro shots of plants, however I noticed right away that despite its supposedly advanced matrix focusing system it was not focusing on close-up flowers.
However, it also was not focusing on wide-angle shots such as scenery when hiking, and it also had issues with incorrect light balance - which I really noticed a lot taking photos in the shaded Muir Valley area. By contrast, the photos taken by my LG G5 phone's camera were excellent.
I also saw some Leptidoptera in Muir Valley which gave me a chance to test the zoom capability, but again it failed to focus correctly and the light balance was off.
I'm not sure if it was only the specific model that I had or if this issue affects the entire S9900 line. I have a much older Nikon D90 DSLR which has excellent focus and metering ability.
I ended up returning the S9900. I would really like it to have worked better. It would have been a great camera to take on hikes and the GPS feature worked well. However the quality of the photos it took were much lower than my LG G5 so I could not justify keeping it.
Unfortunately GPS is not a standard feature in compact DSLR cameras. I'm not sure why the major camera manufacturers are doing this. I guess mobile phone camera technology is so good that it really wiped out the compact DSLR market and perhaps the manufacturers have lost the drive to innovate.

Posted on March 9, 2021 10:15 PM by xpacifica xpacifica


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