Fall's in the Air

The first week of October has passed and it's time for the weekly report. Over the week, an additional 36 observations were added to the project, putting the project at 473 total observations. We are still under the goal I set so hopefully with the help of dedicated birders and hawkwatchers, we can get back on pace.

I think the observation of the week should go to someone new, let's give a hand for @mdk23870 for an outstanding photo of a Great Horned Owl out by Powell Butte, Oregon. A new member to iNat community, let's give them a nice welcome to the site. For experienced birders, it's not that hard to find a Great Horned Owl but to me, they are just as enjoyable the four hundredth time as they are the first. They are always a special treat and as winter progresses, we should expect to see more owls as they become less elusive. You can see the observation here:


For the next week, let's try to break 40 observations for the week. Plenty of raptors are out and about. Merlins are becoming more plentiful, Red-tails are being more cooperative and pretty soon, we will start seeing Rough-legged Hawks. This Friday, I'm going owling to try and find my first Oregon Barred Owl, so wish me luck. As for you, I wish the best and that you see something beyond awesome.

Posted on October 7, 2020 05:36 PM by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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