Aiming High

Third week of September has passed and that means more observations for the project. Over the past seven days, 32 observations, though most of which are my own after a recent trip to Harney County, Oregon. That puts the project at a total count of 404 observations. We broke four hundred, huge milestone. Though unfortunately this does spill some bad news. We are almost halfway through the duration of this project and we're not on pace to break last year's observation record. What can we do as project members to get ourselves back on track? I offer two suggestions; one, even if it's a Red-tailed Hawk, take a photo of it. This project isn't for photographing the cool birds, it's for all raptors. Second, invite a friend who enjoys photography to join iNat. Spread the word and get more participates. With word out there, it could offer some promising results.

To promote this, I'm making the observation of the week someone who hasn't joined the project. Round of applause to @p38 for the excellent photo of a Western Screech-Owl. I speak from personal experience that these little gray owls are tough little buggers to find. Sometimes people get exceptionally lucky and it's awesome a shot like this was taken. Adds another owl to the project. You can view the observation here:

Besides what I mentioned above, what news is there? This is the last week of September so if any of you are still looking Broad-winged Hawks, you better do it before the end of the week or are chances are slimmer than they already are. I would to see at least seventy observations by the end of the month. Owling should be good, we had Northern Saw-whet and Boreal Owl this time of year. Besides that, good luck birders!

Posted on September 23, 2020 11:04 PM by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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