Kristen Holtzclaw: week 4 tree keying

Tree #1
Key to Groups: 1'.2'.3'.5'.8'.9'.13 - Group 8
Group: 8 - 1', 4', 16',19',24',27',30',32. (leaves with 3 main veins converging at 2 glands, smelling of camphor when crushed-camphor tree( cinnamomum camphor)

Tree #2
Key to Groups: 1'.2'.3'.5'.8'.9'.13 - Group 8
Group: 8 - 1', 4', 16',19',24',27',30'32', 35', 37' 38. (petals fused into a bud cap- eucalyptus, also called gum trees( eucalyptus)
page 56 - eucalyptus spp.

Posted on May 5, 2020 07:26 PM by kristenhholtzclaw kristenhholtzclaw


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