Zuhayr Baqar's Street Tree Project

I think that using the leaves of the lemon tree as toilet paper would be the best option out of all the trees I observed because it is relatively smooth, and also the citrus-y characteristic of the leaf might have a benefit when using it to wipe.

I enjoy the presence of trees on my neighbouring streets because it gives a sense that nature was here before us, and also provides shade for people who want to walk around. In our area there are a lot of fruit trees as well, which is always a welcome sight whenever the growing season is in full swing.

The planting of non-native trees increases the diversity. We are lucky to live in California where the diversity is quite extensive, as different parts of even a city can have completely different landscapes. This means different smells, sights, and even tastes when planting non-native fruit trees. A potential downside to having non-native trees and plants present in the area could be the fact that the native animals and other living beings in the region could have a negative reaction to the new species and as a result be harmed. Also, a location is usually recognized by the landscape and these new trees and vegetation could take away from the perceived “authenticity” of a place.

Posted on April 21, 2020 05:31 PM by zuhayrb zuhayrb


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