Steady Tran's Street Tree Project

If I had to pick one tree to use its leaves as toilet paper, I would use the leaves of tree #4 (could not identify). I don't think any other leaves have nearly as much surface area to even be considered for use as toilet paper, so i'm pretty much obligated to go with this one, albeit it's still not that big of a leaf.

I definitely think that street trees make my neighborhood more pleasant. They add the needed visual and environmental pleasure when considering somewhere to live, and most importantly, they provide the essential feeling of nature. The neighborhood right besides mine doesn't have nearly as many trees, though still some, but I feel somewhat gloomier every time I pass by that area.

Planting non-native trees within our cities can provide for a more pleasing and diverse environment. They unquestionably add a sense of interest and likability, especially when presented to those who aren't often experiencing biodiversity from other areas. A disadvantage though would come from the desire to plant non-native plants that may be invasive to the native plants. Maintenance procedures would also be a bit more questionable, as we'd have to adapt to taking care of the plant to our current environment.

Tree #1
Tree #2
Tree #3
Tree #4
Tree #5

Posted on April 21, 2020 05:06 AM by steadyt445 steadyt445


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