Isabella Carrera's Street Tree Project

If you had to pick one tree to use the leaves as toilet paper, which would you pick?
• If I had to use one tree to use as toilet paper, I think I would use the green ash tree because its leaves were the largest and the smoothest out of the trees I observed.
Do you think street trees make your neighborhood more pleasant?
• I think street trees do make my neighborhood more pleasant and add to the visual appeal of the sidewalks and streets.
What is one pro and one con to planting non native trees in our cities?
• A pro is that non-native trees allow us to diversify the plants in our areas and add some variety, but a con is that since they are non-native they might not be in the proper conditions to grow properly.

Posted on April 21, 2020 04:48 AM by isabellavcarrera isabellavcarrera


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