Sabrina Wu: Street Tree Project

  1. Out of the 5 trees that I observed, I would choose the leaves from the Tulip tree (tree 2). The leaves from that tree have a big enough surface area however, they are a bit thin. I would use multiple leaves and layer them.
  2. Street trees definitely make neighborhoods more pleasant. Not only do they provide greenery to the area, they provide shade, visual interest (color, verticality, texture), and bring in wildlife to the space.
  3. One pro to planting non-native trees in our cities is that it increases diversity in the plant community which can be a great source for educating people. One con is that not all non-native trees would be maintainable which can lead to invasiveness.

Tree 1: Sweet Michelia

Tree 2: Tulip tree

Tree 3: Jacaranda

Tree 4: Tipu tree

Tree 5: Gingko/Maidenhair tree

Posted on April 17, 2020 02:25 AM by sabrinawu sabrinawu


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