I had the occasion to visit the Ciolo natural reserve in Salento, Italy, during October 2017. This area is part of the Otranto-Leuca natural park. This is a rocky canyon with several caves and I can recommend this area to anybody interested in botanics. Here you can find a nice mix of mediterranean maquis shrubland species (Caparis, Ceratonia, Myrtus, Pistacia, Lonicera, Smilax) and seaside herbs (Crithmum, Drimia). Several species of Centaurea can only be found here. Also typical are tree spurges (Euphorbia dendroides), which were probably imported from northern Africa during prehistory (P. Medagli, billboard at the entrance of the canyon). The area has been settled since at least the bronze age, and probably much longer, which might explain the presence of a number of feral cultivars, such as olive, fig and carob trees.
Thanks to iNat members @annemirdl, @blue_celery, @davideberton, @duarte, @finrod, @katya, @kostaszontanos, @mcaple, @murielbendel, @star3, @tiggrx, for identifying many of these plants.
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