Seeing Red

Am I the only one who gets exited when I see I have a message waiting? [I think there were 12 a few minutes ago.]

Every now and again I am compelled to write a note of thanks to the curators and others who help "keep me on the straight and narrow" on this site. I have always been a "close enough" kind of girl. I was devastated to find out how many varieties of bluebonnet, prickly pear, and mesquite there are. I can no longer be satisfied with "close enough." At least here we get specific. Here we take good photos of "snail lips" (knowing we aren't going to "kiss 'em" but that the lip of that shell matters).

As much as I fight my phone and camera and chafe under the stresses of too many species, I do appreciate all the helpers out there!

Special thanks to those who have helped/are helping with the observations in Ireland. Going to a different state or different country is a bit overwhelming. I think back and realize I was quite mad - documenting everything that moved. iNaturalist and all you wonderful identifiers have helped me tame the madness.

--Amy, back to her senses in Texas

Posted on August 5, 2017 08:27 PM by alflinn329 alflinn329


Know that each and every observation adds to the digital field guides on iNat! :)

Here are the species documented from Ireland too:

And of course, TX is super active:

You can filter it down too -- so if you know it's a snake, here are the ones documented (so far!) in Texas:

Keep it up! :)

Posted by sambiology about 7 years ago

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