Oliver Burrus Curator

Joined: Dec 26, 2017 Last Active: Sep 29, 2024 iNaturalist

I am a naturalist and Data Science student from the Chicago suburbs and central Wisconsin. Feel free to tag me in any observations about Birds, Salamanders, Syrphid flies (particularly Eupeodes), and Butterflies from the US.

My birding career ignited in 2013 when I encountered a flock of fascinating ducks (probably Ring-necked) land at the lake behind my cabin, from then on I'd never look at birds the same way again. A couple of years ago I found iNat, it allowed me to venture into a completely new realm of creatures, now, not only would I look at birds, but anything that crossed my path! I love sharing my passion with others and have actively contributed to the community by creating and maintaining a birding club, running the Chicago City Nature Challenge, making high-quality identifications on iNat, as well as attempting to share my enthusiasm for nature with everyone!

If you're interested in further analyzing your iNaturalist data, see my GitHub Repo for some R code to help you do just that: https://github.com/oliverburrus/iNat_Visualizations

I am also working on a worldwide (well, for now, just North America) guide to Eupeodes species, I'll post the link when it's done.

My Instagram page
My eBird profile

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