Mark Pollock

Joined: Jul 25, 2018 Last Active: Jun 1, 2024 iNaturalist

I’ve been in love with nature since childhood. I’ve long been particularly enamored with plants and birds. (Not ashamed to admit that my favorite books are floras, my favorite songs are bird songs, and my idea of a good time is grooving to the song of a fox sparrow while identifying each species of willow in a thicket). But I’m generally fascinated by biodiversity in all it’s forms and will often go out of my way to chase down a butterfly, or lizard, or anything else that moves. I’m impressed by the spirit of sharing, teaching, and learning embodied by the community of iNaturalist users and I try to contribute as much as I glean. I also contribute to the Boise State University herbarium.

outnabout--- is not following anyone.