延陵科學綜合室(自然歷史) Acta Scientrium Ngensis (Historia Naturae)

Joined: Sep 17, 2022 Last Active: Oct 21, 2024 iNaturalist

延陵科學綜合室(本室)建基於香港, 為私立學術研習架構, 我們以香港的大自然基礎, 為了完善自然系統館藏的完整性, 也涉獵地球上任何產地的天然產物為研究對象, 其範圍涵括: 元素的物理化學、地質學、古生物學、植物學、動物學等。
本室為公民學術平台, 我們不涉本地或外地任何相關機構的利益聯繫, 皆在弘揚自由的互動空間以及無利益輸送的學術研究。
Acta Scientrium Ngensis was foundated in Hong Kong, as a private academic research framework, we are committed to improve the integrity of the collections of natural system, and also dabble in natural history projects from anywhere on earth , such as physical-chemistry of the elements, geology, paleontology, botany and zoology studies, etc.
We are citizen academic platform. we are not involved in the interests of any local or foreign related institutions. We are promoting free interactive space and academic researching.


ngensis is not following anyone.