EMEG Emirates Marine Environment Group

Joined: Mar 21, 2024 Last Active: Apr 18, 2024

Emirates Marine Environment Group (EMEG) is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the marine biodiversity of the United Arab Emirates. Established in 1996 under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Manal bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and led by Major Ali Saqer Sultan Al Suwaidi, EMEG is committed to conservation initiatives, protecting endangered wildlife and fragile ecosystems.

EMEG's mission encompasses various strategies:

  1. Protecting Endangered Wildlife: EMEG implements conservation strategies to safeguard endangered species native to the UAE.
  2. Active Conservation Efforts: Engaging with local and international stakeholders, EMEG collaborates on conservation projects targeting endangered species.
  3. Advancing Scientific Research: Through collaborative research initiatives, EMEG contributes to scientific understanding of marine ecosystems.
  4. Promoting Environmental Education: EMEG raises awareness and promotes environmental education within the community, empowering individuals to become environmental stewards.
  5. Conserving Fragile Ecosystems: Recognizing the importance of preserving fragile ecosystems, EMEG works to protect and restore vital habitats.

EMEG's latest initiatives include:

  • Mangrove Restoration: Rehabilitating degraded mangrove habitats to enhance resilience to climate change.
  • Coral Restoration: Protecting coral reefs through initiatives like coral nurseries and transplantation efforts.
  • Sea Turtle Monitoring: Tracking sea turtle populations and implementing conservation measures to protect these iconic species.
  • Beach Clean-Up: Removing plastic debris from beaches to protect marine biodiversity and raise awareness about plastic pollution.

Individuals and organizations are invited to join EMEG's efforts in preserving the seas and ensuring a sustainable future for marine life in the UAE.

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