Joined: Jun 27, 2020 Last Active: Sep 12, 2024 iNaturalist Australia
Primarily interested in Australian native flora and fauna in Victoria but also the introduced species that pose a threat to them.
I genuinely appreciate the time taken by others to provide ID's to my observations and do my best to provide accurate ID's to others. I do make mistakes, sometimes I don't know what I don't know...
Grew up and live in Regional Victoria. Mostly an autodidact (Partially completed degree in biomedical science) but I do have the luxury of parents who work in conservation and land management from whom I learned more than either of us realised at the time.
I work nights in IT (Hence that 3am ID) fixing mainly hardware problems on various machines. My wife and I spend out time outside of work managing 80 acres of endangered VVP Grassy Woodland for biodiversity (EVC 175 & 55_63).
I became a curator on iNat to assist with updating and maintaining the conservation status of Victoria's far too numerous VROT species.