Annkatrin Rose

Joined: Sep 8, 2019 Last Active: Oct 26, 2024 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since October 2022

I love to go out and photograph plants and wildlife. My main focus is on plants - I'm teaching botany among other things at Appalachian State University - but I'm an equal opportunity observer and will record whatever crosses my path.

I'm currently serving as the President of the Blue Ridge Chapter of the North Carolina Native Plant Society. Please feel free to join us at our iNat project to help with identifications and annotations.

Every now and then, I get too busy to keep up with iNat (usually when work loads peak during the semester), so it's quite possible that I've missed some notifications in the past. If you come across an identification or comment I made that looks like it needs my attention again or a mention that I haven't responded to, please feel free to tag me to bring it to my attention. I'm also really bad about keeping my profile up-to-date so if any of the info here seems outdated, that's why.

Please note that all my location markers are best guesses trying to place them in approximately the right spot on the map. I do not have a GPS device to get accurate coordinates. Pretty much all pictures I post from public locations are taken from a trail - please do not venture off-trail to search for plants based on my likely somewhat inaccurate location markers. If the location is obscured, it means either it is a rare or protected species, subject to poaching, or the picture was taken on sensitive habitat or private property and the owners have requested not to have the locations disclosed on the web. Please respect their privacy and do not collect plants from the wild.

German transplant to the US - Ich spreche Deutsch. :-)

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