Journal archives for May 2020

May 3, 2020

Week 4 Tree Keying Assignment

Tree #1:
1', 2', 3, 4' Group 3
Group: 1', 2', 4', 5', 6', 7, 8', 9', 10'
Species: Douglas Firs ( Pseudotsuga spp.)
No Page Number

Tree #2:
1', 2', 3, 4' Group 3
Group: 1', 2, 3
Species: Pines ( Pinus spp.) Patula
Page #: 12

Posted on May 3, 2020 05:11 AM by mortam mortam | 1 comment | Leave a comment

May 5, 2020

Week 5 Observation

On one of my recent bike rides on the Marsh Creek Trail, I rode over a steep bridge that connected both my neighborhood to the senior housing development near by. As I kept riding, I passed two maybe three buildings owned by local farmers, that may even be their homes. There were plenty of white pagoda trees on both sides of the trail. At the end of this, there happened to be a tall canary island date palm off to the left side. As I went around the bend of the trail, I then saw a variety of plants which include lavender and many others. At the end of the trail is when I saw a bush of rosemary next to a cedar tree and this was when I decided to head back the way I came to see more of the trail that went the other way.
Once I managed to get back to where I started my ride, I decided to go over the other bridge that was on the other side of the local nearby park. Once over there is when I managed to see daylilies in the median of the road along with some red tip Photina behind someones house.
During this ride, I went through an open landscape with some local orchards nearby the side of the trail that had a creek along the side of the trail as well.

Posted on May 5, 2020 07:37 PM by mortam mortam | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 15, 2020

Tree Keying Week 5

Plum Tree:
1', 2', 3', 5, 6', 7' Group 6
Group: 1, 2'
African Sumac (Rhus lancea)
*I know that it is a plum tree, which is a tree that is not in the book.

Tree #2:
1', 2', 3', 5', 8', 9', 13', 14', 15' Group 11
Group: 1', 2, 3', 4', 5'
Elms (Ulmus spp.)

Posted on May 15, 2020 06:13 AM by mortam mortam | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Weekly Observation Amanda Mort

On my most recent bike ride, I decided to go down the opposite direction than I usually do, where I went under the main road. Once on the other side of the main road, I left the trail that ran along the creek that the trail stayed next to and instead I decided to turn right that led me to a nearby park called Veterans Park. Even though there were parts that were blocked off, I was still able to get around pretty well. In multiple places, there were many plum trees there that added contrast between the other tall trees that were there. Out of all the many shrubs that are in this park, the Star Jasmine shrubs certainly lightened up the park among all of the other green shrubs. They were along many of the pathways in this park.
Throughout the many paths at this park, I was able to see a variety of different plants. The majority of the plants that I associated with this post managed to be along the main road.

Posted on May 15, 2020 06:53 AM by mortam mortam | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 19, 2020

Week 6 Tree Keying

Tree #1:
1', 2', 3', 5', 8', 9', 13', 14', 15' Group 11
Group: 1', 2', 6
Willows (Salix spp.)

Tree #2:
1', 2', 3', 5, 6 Group 4
Group: 1, 2, 3
Coral Trees (Erythrina spp.)

Posted on May 19, 2020 06:45 PM by mortam mortam | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 26, 2020

Amanda Mort Week 7 Observation

On a recent bike ride, I went down by a local senior housing where I managed to see a lot of new plants that I haven't seen before. I was able to get all the way to the top of the main hill where I then decided to turn back and then took one of the intersections that led me back to a trail that led me back to my house that passed by some homes.

Posted on May 26, 2020 08:56 PM by mortam mortam | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 27, 2020

Amanda Mort Week 7 Tree Keying

Tree #1:
1', 2', 3', 5', 8', 9', 13 Group 8
Group: 1', 3', 4', 16', 18', 19', 23', 24', 27', 29', 30', 31', 32', 33', 34', 35', 36', 40', 41

Tree #2:
1', 2', 3', 5, 6', 7 Group 5
Group: 1, 2'

Posted on May 27, 2020 10:22 AM by mortam mortam | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
