Journal archives for July 2021

July 23, 2021

Taming the Wild Grackle: Project of Rewilding the Urban Garden Living Laboratory

an annual event, the arrival of the Grackles, whose default strategy is to arrive in gangs and bully their way into control over the local food resources.
about 15++++arrived a few days after a few had scouted the feeders and garden. they quickly proceeded over a couple days to take control and began to hang around all day just to maintain control, even when not feeding. plus, they were teaching their offspring this trait.
so, what to do? chase them and they return after a few minutes. i decided to try taking down the feeders when i saw them hogging, followed by spreading some seed around the garden area to encourage foraging. they are omnivores, so they need to get out there and eat 🐜 🐛 🕷 etc. there's plenty thanks to heat and humidity.
anyway, i kept vigilant patrol for 3 days. whenever i saw Grackles mobbing, i'd take down the feeders and scatter a few seeds. that way the other birds also had a chance to feed.
on the 4th day, just a few Grackles showed up. they kept a low profile, foraging and only occasionally and one at a time getting a peanut or sunflower seed, then flying down. since then, that's been the way they are behaving.
Grackles are smart. for sure they noticed my control of the food supply and figured out the set of conditions to be met for the treats to be available. i think of it as Grackles going "undercover" as "just one of the birds", to ensure a share rather than attempting a futile a war to claim it all. they realized that there was a "higher power" at work, hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
i expected to have some scofflaws to Rivendell Rules, but so far it's been remarkably civil. Balance restored✌🏽

25/72021. yesterday afternoon, there was a storm approaching and all the birds were nervously trying to pack in a meal before it hit. a dozen plus Grackles arrived and strutted about indicating hunger and low seed availability. so i went out and gave them a bigger quantity on the ground than i usually do. they ate, then flew away. riot averted.

Posted on July 23, 2021 06:56 PM by leaphorn leaphorn | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment
