Journal archives for December 2022

December 29, 2022

Crow and Hawk, Wrens, and Geese

... When I started my walk today, I heard a crow over head, I looled up and saw the crow chasing another bird; the other bird looked like a hawk. This event was a single crow not a mob of crows.

... I saw a group of small birds hopping about in the bushes along "Pilgrim Run". As I approach they moved more into the bushes so I stopped and waited a bit. Tiger, my dog, also remained quiet. The birds went about their business and returned to the stream to bathe. I thought they might be Carolina Wrens. They were mostly brown with a prominent white bar over the eye. When I got home I looked up images and descriptions of Carolna Wrens; what I found was consistent with my tentative identification.

... I saw a formation of Canada Geese flying over head. They were flying east but circled around.

Posted on December 29, 2022 03:17 AM by frank879 frank879 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
