Pharaoh cicada chorus in background
Lone male, with pharaoh cicada chorus in background
Not sure what ones these are!
Maybe just one individual male calling from tall tree over creek
Towns Bluff County Park or Bullard Creek WMA, near picnic area and restrooms not far from the river. There was loud landscaping equipment nearby and I had difficulty getting a recording but fortunately this one is clearly the whirring of Magicicada tredecim. I also photographed and iNatted one. There seems to be intermittent buzzing which I believe is Magicicada tredecassini but am not totally confident. It's audible at 13, 18–20, 24, and 28–29 seconds, loudest at 20 and 24.
I am not sure if I'm confident enough to make a second observation for what I suspect is tredecassini.
As communicated by urbanecolog72.
All three here but this is for the Cassin’s. Unfortunately windy, too.
Random point hearing cicadas