Juvenile, roughly the same size as an Improved Slash pinecone
Breeding Bird Atlas surveying with Valeri Ponzo, Gene Stoccardo, and Cole Fredricks -- a great team!
Florida Breeding Bird Atlas II field work with Valeri Ponzo, Cole Frericks, and Gene Stoccardo.
Records #16-25 of my 104 eBirded-with-photographs Swallow-tailed Kite records from Florida. It will likely take me a while to post all of them.
Initially found on the Narcissus, but not observed to be nectaring. Bee seemed "drunk" when I found it and allowed me to handle easily. When it did attempt to fly, it sort of tumbled down to the ground as though it could not sustain the effort. Thinking that it may have just emerged. First observation of the species in MS, '24!