Photos / Sounds


Coyote (Canis latrans)




July 2023


1 adult 3 pups

Photos / Sounds


Feral Pigeon (Columba livia var. domestica)




July 27, 2022 08:56 AM HST


Oh boy, let me tell you about this guy who went back to the hotel cafeteria to get some juice and find his wife. But when he and his wife returned, they found a flock of feral pigeons having a feast on every last scrap of their breakfast! These pigeons were like a motley crew, beige, black, white, spotted, you name it! I mean, it didn't exactly tickle the guy's fancy, you know? He had a full-blown freakout because he missed out on his morning meal, thanks to the pigeon party happening at his table!

Well, on the upside, the guy did get to witness a real-life pigeon parade! And let me tell you, these weren't your average, run-of-the-mill pigeons. No, no, no! These were some fancy-feathered, one-of-a-kind pigeons that you'd only see strutting their stuff in Hawaii! It was like a pigeon fashion show, and this guy got a front-row seat! So, I guess you could say that even though he missed out on breakfast, he got to enjoy a feast for the eyes with these fabulous fowl!

The end