Compiled from Kelly Richers' California Moth Specimen Database. Kelly has been compiling the database since 1996 from literature sources, museum collections, and (I believe) novel collections. These lists are probably not comprehensive (if such a thing is possible for such a diverse group of organisms), but given Kelly's dedication and the degree of sampling in the state, it's probably pretty close at the state and regional level, and approaching that degree at the county level, and thus I have marked them as comprehensive on iNat. All errors are my own, and if you find any, please let me know.

Notes On Missing Names

Many of the names in the CMSD have not bee included in the iNat lists I've created. I have tried to import every name from the Catalogue of Life, BugGuide, and uBio, so any names that are still missing are not present in those sources. I have also tried to manually check the remainder against, I've tried to manually add any taxa that have a species page on MPG, and I've checked for simple misspellings of the kind the Google can catch. For the remainder, here are some of the reasons the names are missing:

  1. Taxonomic ambiguity: sometimes a name was clearly in use in the past but I can't tell how it maps to a current name.
  2. Many names in the CMSD have specific epithets that exist in other, unrelatd genera, e.g. "Acrolophus inquinatus," which may be mistaken entry for Hellinsia inquinatus. I have not included these names in an effort to minimize assumptions about the collectors' intents.

A full listing of all the names I was not able to import can be found here.

Yucca Moths and Allies - Photo (c) David Beadle, all rights reserved, uploaded by David Beadle Comprehensive check list for Yucca Moths and Allies (Family Prodoxidae)
Source: Richers, K. (2015). California Moth Specimen Database. Essig Museum of Entomology, Berkeley, CA. Accessed 25 10 2015. (Link)
kueda Added by kueda on October 26, 2015